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Harleton ISD Transfer Student Process Now Open for 2025-2026

Posted Date: 3/12/25 (6:28 PM)

Dear Harleton ISD Community,

Harleton ISD is now accepting applications for transfer students for 2025-2026!  

Transfers are approved based on three main applicant components: 1) attendance, 2) behavior, and 3) academic progress.  Transfers must apply each year.  

When considering the number of transfers allowed, the school district looks at grade/class sizes, program and organization sizes, as well as the ability to provide needed support and resources. 

If you know of any family that would like for their students to possibly attend Harleton ISD starting in the 2025-2026 school year, please let them know about the transfer application that is attached.  They will need to fill out the application and take it to their child's respective campus office.

We have many great things happening in the Harleton ISD!   And as always, it's a great day to be a Wildcat!

Jay Ratcliff