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The logo for Harleton Elementary School, featuring a green 'H' with a gold outline and the school name in bold green letters with gold outlines.

A large group of teachers pose for a photo in a gymnasium, wearing matching shirts that say 'Welcome Back Teachers'.


Every day counts! At Harleton Elementary, we care that every student shows up to school, all day every day. We are committed to working with families to ensure that every student attends school regularly and achieves their full potential. By prioritizing attendance, we can create a brighter future for all our students. 

Student Handbook District Calendar 

A green and gold button with a clipboard icon and the text 'Report an Absence'.


HES Quick Links

HES Student Handbook

HES Student Code of Conduct

HES Campus Improvement Plan

HES Virtual Nurse

Office Contacts

A woman with long red hair smiles for the camera.

Meagan Walker


Phone: 903-777-4092 ext. 101

A woman with long brown hair smiles for a portrait.

Rena Lowry


Phone: 903-777-4092 ext. 103

A woman with short brown hair smiles for a portrait.

Sherry Treadwell


Phone: 903-777-4092

A flyer with a QR code for the Region 7 ESC Head Start program, encouraging people to apply online.

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